Songs for Saints
Songs for Saints
From Heaven, O Praise the LORD! (Psalm 148)

From Heaven, O Praise the LORD! (Psalm 148)

Ye heights His glory raise! A metrical setting of Psalm 148

Praise the LORD from the earth,
ye dragons, and all deeps:
Fire, and hail; snow, and vapor;
stormy wind fulfilling his word:

Psalm 148:7-8

The text

From heav'n O praise the LORD; Ye heights, His glory raise. All angels, praise accord; Let all His host give praise. Praise Him on high, Sun, moon, and star, Ye heav'ns afar, And cloudy sky.

Yea, let them glorious make Jehovah's matchless name; For when the word He spake They into being came. And from that place Where fixed they be, By his decree They cannot pass.

From earth O praise the LORD, Ye deeps and all below; Wild winds that do His work, Ye clouds, fire, hail, and snow; Ye mountains high, Ye cedars tall, Beasts great and small, And birds that fly.

Let all the people praise, And kings of every land; Let all their voices raise Who judge and give command. By young and old, By maid and youth, His name in truth Should be extolled.

Jehovah's name be praised Above the earth and sky. For He His saints has raised And set their power on high. Him praise accord, O Israel's race, Near to His grace. Praise ye the LORD.Where to find this SFS

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Note: Artwork was painted by Frederic Edwin Church in 1863

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Songs for Saints
Songs for Saints
Music by Joe Stout for the saints at Christ Covenant Church and those throughout all of Christ's Kingdom.