The LORD said to my Lord,
“Sit at My right hand,
Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”
Psalm 110:1
The text
Jehovah to my Lord has said, "Sit Thou at My right hand Until I make Thy foes a stool Whereon Thy feet may stand." Jehovah shall from Zion send The scepter of Thy power. In battle with Thine enemies Be Thou the conqueror.
A willing people in Thy day Of power shall come to Thee. Thy youth arrayed in holiness Like morning dew shall be. Jehovah swore, and from His oath He never will depart: "Of th' order of Melchizedek A priest Thou ever art."
The Lord at Thy right hand shall smite Earth's rulers in His wrath. Among the nations He shall judge; The slain shall fill His path. In many lands He'll overthrow Their kings with ruin dread; And, marching, He'll drink from the brook And so lift up His head.
Where to find this SFS
While backpacking in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness, the Stout kids and I hiked to and swam in beautiful Spectacle Lake. We’d been practicing Psalm 110 during our wilderness adventure so I set up my phone and we grabbed this version following our swim.
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Note: Artwork is titled “Saint George and the Dragon” and was painted by Raphael in 1505
Jehovah to My Lord Has Said (Psalm 110)